Route Enhancement Committee of the Aspotogan Peninsula

Share the Road

Nova Scotia’s New “Traffic Safety Act”

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In an effort to keep the public involved in the new “Traffic Safety Act”, Bicycle Nova Scotia has written an informative article on their website.

As a community group who’s mission is to encourage the improvement of active transport options, RECAP wants to inform the Provincial Government of our concerns, and extend the knowledge to all of those in our reach that now is the time to speak up about your concerns.

To have your input heard on this important issue, visit the Nova Scotia Government website and fill out this form highlighting your points of concern for the new “Traffic Safety Act”. The deadline for input is June 8, 2018.

Bicycle Nova Scotia has made a list of 5 points that they have made available for public use on their website. The five points are listed here, and Bicycle Nova Scotia has encouraged individuals to “cut and paste the (following) 5 points in order to provide a consistent message.”

The top 5 changes that need to be included in the new Traffic Safety Act are:

  1. Recognize and define Vulnerable Road Users under the new Traffic Safety Act
  2. Allow for a municipal council to direct their traffic authority to set speed limits under 50 km/hour, without the need to seek permission from the Provincial Traffic Authority
  3. Legislation to prohibit “dooring”
  4. Legislation to prohibit the “right-hook” and “left cross”
  5. Permit the use of a “bicycle signal”, and legislation for “cross-rides” in Nova Scotia

In an effort to improve road safety use for all road users on route 329 and trunk route 3, as they form the “Aspotogan Coastal Loop”, RECAP will be advocating for the additional point:

  1. Legislation to allow motorized vehicles, when overtaking vulnerable road users, to cross a solid yellow line when it is safe to do so (no oncoming traffic).

One thought on “Nova Scotia’s New “Traffic Safety Act”

  1. Done. Thank you for bringing this to our attention.

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